Spyros Fountas, Gates project partner from the Agricultural University of Athens and Editor-in-Chief in the ELSEVIER journal “Computers and Electronics in Agriculture”, has been invited as keynote speaker to “The 30th International Horticultural Congress (IHC2018)” that was held in Istanbul-Turkey from 12-17 August 2018. He presented GATES project to an estimated audience of 2,500 people, and led one of the colloquium that took place during the congress entitled “Future Technologies in horticultural value chains”.
The "30th International Horticultural Congress (IHC2018)” attracted almost 1800 delegates from more than 90 countries. The program featured 9 plenary lectures, 67 keynote speakers, more than 950 oral and 750 poster presentations in the opening session, 2 Colloquia, 39 (24 within the ISHS series) symposia and 11 workshops.
More info at: http://www.ihc2018.org/en/COLLOQUIA.html