GATES 3rd Minimum Viable Game (3MVG: http://gates.agenso.gr/) is already available online to be played and tested by stakeholders in the agricultural sector (farmers, ag students, ag consultants, and SFT industry) and by anyone in the general public which aims to learn how to proceed with common farming operations and learn the basics of Smart Farming Technologies.
Significant development has been achieved since MVG2, where many features have been optimized and new ones have been developed. In order to show the progress and new game functionalities in MVG3, some tutorial videos have been developed by GATES partners. More specifically, the videos present:
- 01_Gates_Account_Basics.mp4: It presents the basics on how to login and create a new account https://youtu.be/afOR62629T0
- 02_Gates_SFT_Showcase.mp4: This video presents the new module of the Smart Farming Technologies (SFT) showcase https://youtu.be/ZMcLZ3uxgIc
- 03_Gates_SFT_Training.mp4: This video presents the new SFT training module, which aims to show the basic principles behind some SFT. https://youtu.be/ULqvvx-I17o
- 04_GATES_Main_Story.mp4: This video presents the Main Story module where 8 scenarios have been created to explain different aspects of the game https://youtu.be/2LNHqU5L17I
- 05_My_Scenarios.mp4: This video presents how to create new custom scenarios to play the game https://youtu.be/R15NEsRsKo4
- 06_Gates_Realtime.mp4: This video presents how to play real time mode. https://youtu.be/47lSVRBOtNk
- 07. GATES Library.mp4: This video presents GATES library http://gates-library.agenso.gr/, where the player could access to multimedia information regarding the SFT. https://youtu.be/3efVcFCOxFU
From GATES team we hope that these videos are useful to get the most out of the game and that you will enjoy playing the game http://gates.agenso.gr/
*** Do you still have any doubt? Don’t hesitate to formulate your doubt or give us your feedback through our direct mail (gates.game.eu@gmail.com) or User Group Community (http://www.gates-game.eu/en/forum)